Normalization service group,Akita city,Cancer forum,Normalization forum,Symposium

Normalization service groupCancer forum,Normalization forum
cancer forum
The half of the nation will develop cancer and approximately one-third of those will die from it. Akita still has the highest cancer death rate in Japan.
We will have a lecturer from The National Cancer Center who will discuss national cancer measures, and think about cancer medical care together to deepen understanding.
Treatment of a disease requires collaboration between healthcare workers and patients.
To solve the declining number of children and the aging society we need to breakaway from hard politics to soft politics. To review a country, a prefecture, the role of cities, towns and villages, we have to allot roles. A country does diplomacy; a prefecture does medical care, towns and villages do welfare and compulsory education is demanded to transfer the source of revenue that balances with it.

Particularly medical care, welfare, compulsory education, these areas must play their part. Measures specific to the area are necessary. Therefore, comprehensive cancer treatment must be available in Akita. We propose the following three points:

1.Establish Akita Prefectural cancer center
Cancer center needs a hospital and research institute. It is not necessary to build a new building.
We suggest providing a function of Akita Prefectural cancer center in the hospital attached to Akita University medical department.

2.Measures for isolated areas short of doctors, the foundation of the scholarship system by independent action of Akita.

3.Not only Akita University medical department but also the medical departments of the whole country with students from Akita, provide the foundation of the scholarship system by independent action of Akita, after passing the national doctor examination and return to Akita to become a doctor.
(Similar in style, to Iwate prefecture scholarship)
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